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Kris Mulliah

Name my main character

I'd love to say that since Dr. Sharma's Fantabulous Fantasies came out, I've been busy scribbling a new novel. However, the truth is that I haven't been working on any personal writing. I've been working with clients, assisting companies with their copywriting and marketing. Still, while I've been waiting for the ideal time to begin work on my next personal project, I have been making notes and I am keen to get back to writing fiction, my first passion.

Neon "Time Is Precious" on the side of a building at night.
Photo by <a href="">Justin Veenema</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>

Like most writers, I am much more interested in writing than I am in promoting what I've written. Unfortunately, self-promotion is an inevitable part of the process these days. There is no question that I want to get down to writing my next novel. In the meantime, until I have enough time to get writing my follow-up novel, I am busy making notes and I know exactly what book number two will be.

Having said that, I am still struggling with a suitable name for my main character. The character's name will be in the title, so it not only has to suit the character, it also needs to be attention-grabbing enough to make it into the title of the novel.

If you have any ideas, let me know. Just for background, the novel will be satirical and the main character will be a pop star.

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